Top tips to help you advance your career

Everyone wants to succeed in the workplace and Bayreuth is the place to make it happen. Focusing on the steps in this article will help open up a world of career options (Karriere-Möglichkeiten) for you.

Firstly, you must set goals for yourself. Starting with a focused career path can be one of the best ways you can start your journey. It is important to pick something you enjoy and can go into with passion and intention. Take a look at the different options and start looking into how you can acquire the skills and knowledge to move up the ladder.

The next step is to have purpose and determination. Try setting yourself realistic goals and achievements and think about setting yourself deadlines. If you break down your career advancement into manageable steps the task suddenly seems less daunting. You can think about goals such as taking a class to advance your knowledge or talking to someone who already works in the field to give you a better understanding of your possible career options (Karriere-Möglichkeiten).

What steps to take next? Once you have decided upon a path and set yourself some realistic goals and expectations, you may be wondering what steps to take next. It is vitally important to monitor the progress you are making at work. Identifying ways you can work better and more efficiently is a great step when trying to consistently better yourself. Ask any of your superiors (Vorgesetzten) for a monthly catch-up where you can ask them for feedback on your performance. Don’t be afraid to ask for their opinions on what you can do better. Constructive criticism should be taken as a positive, as it will only make you better. Share your career intentions with these trusted superiors (Vorgesetzten). They may be able to set out plans for you to help you progress in the company and in your field of expertise in general.

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out and contact colleagues or industry professionals who may be able to offer you some guidance and act as a mentor. If you could find someone who has a lot of prestige and many years of work experience in your chosen field that would be a good place to start. Reach out to them and ask for a meeting. Tell them your strengths and weaknesses, and ask them to take a look over your work. They are likely to know a lot of other influential people in your chosen field and the chance to grow your network could yield lots of career opportunities for you.

To sum up, remember to be intentional with your chosen career path, create realistic goals with attainable deadlines for yourself, monitor your progress and ask any supervisors for feedback, and finally reach out to a mentor in your field to grow your network and attain those career opportunities you set for yourself at the beginning of your journey.

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